
Project users can search for adventure and extract valuable resources using raid mechanics. If you have an NFT lemon in your wallet, you can send it on a "raid" on the proposed locations, the results of which it can extract valuable prizes with some probability. The NFT will be blocked from shipping, selling, or other interactions during the raid.

The raids will have several levels, each of which will have its conditions of participation and types of possible rewards.

Level 1


  • Available to all NFT lemon owners(alpha, omega)


  • lemon points

  • gem(provided you have a pickaxe)

  • stickers

Level 2


  • NFT lemon level: 5


  • The previous level's rewards included

  • Probability of getting items

Level 3


  • NFT lemon level: 8


  • The previous level's rewards included

  • Additional Fee from the platform

Last updated